So as it turns out, the little bobbin on my mom's sewing machine was broken and that's why the thread kept snagging and then the bottom stitching wouldn't catch. So if we go to the Arlington Sewing Machine on Main St. we can probably get it replaced. I'm all hopes, but no fears. Well, they might not have a replacement, because it's an older model, but it's not THAT old! When this gets fixed, all my sewing projects are "GO." Super excited.
Update! we got a new bobbin holder and it only cost $15 dollars! I love the Sewing Machine Store in Arlington and it seemed really busy when we went in. Now I just have to start on some of these projects. Alas, I never seem to have very much time because I'm working more than full-time, 42 hours. I think I need to go back to working on the weekends at Whataburger. I don't know though. Really, it's a thinker.
I really need to take this partially done quilt to the quilt store and get it professionally finished. It's ok to ask for help if you are in deep and you can't find your way out of a craft project. It's a beautiful quilt and I'd like to use it. My mom is only going to grunt at me when I ask her help because we have so much other stuff going on that needs and deserves our attention. Craft projects just naturally take a back burner. I haven't knitted in months. And that's saying something cause I suck at knitting and counting stitches, but I have kept myself in knitting projects for 11 years prior to 2017.