Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hating to loving yourself: An internet journey

So I decided to continue making hats, I have one in the works, no pictures yet, my phone is recharging.

It's the grey and black and it's the largest size because I always worry about babies outgrowing the little ones I knit too soon.  It's going great so far, but I I'm decreasing and I think I missed some stitches, because things aren't turning out too evenly. I've got six stitches on one side of the marker and eight on the other side.  Not a problem for me, though.

I'd love to visit with others while I knit.  I know a couple of sisters who knit and craft.  Meg Hunter knits and Ahunna Ikpeowo crotchets, while Joanna Jenkinson crafts with leather.  I've looked at the Meetup site for this and while they have a group, I'm on the waiting list.

My mom crotchets, but hasn't done it in a while. I tried to convince her to finish that quilt I started and the cross stitch I started but I don't think she's interested in craft leftovers.

I want to take back charge over the quilt.  It's all kinds of purple, perfect for my room and it's not going to get cold this year so...I could just use it as a cover and not my allergies inducing duvet.

Still lonely as heck.  I want someone to tell me what to do, but you know what happens when people do that.  Things turn into work and they pick something that you don't want to do. It feels good after you accomplish it.  But if you are alone all the time, you only get vaugue impressions of what people "want" you to do, not a clear picture and some people say "Figure out your own damn thing to do, you're an adult,"  and it's really disappointing and not that easy, cause when you are kid everyone tells you what to do.

So what's more important, resetting your biological clock or getting things done, even if at the wrong time?  I think I'm going to AVON til 11 and if I feel sleepy by then I'll crash, or just lie awake in the dark, thinking about things.  I got this super awesome book, which was totally out of character, because it's a cheap paperback workbook, and trashy looking, The Girlboss Workbook, by Sophia Amoruso.  I love it because it is different from books that I would usually get.

I also got a journal, but when I think about it I panic.  I have in my head the perfect journal, the journal devoted to one subject, glory be to God.  It would either be 1.) poetry.  2.) A novel.  3.)My special journey. 4.) Deep dark secrets or junk journal, but God knows, I've got way too many of those.  Really though...I have a blog.  I don't know why I bought the journal, except that I'm a hopeless perfectionistic, romantic dreamer.  Really, I have a blog to post all my secrets on.  Am I right, people?

For next time:  Get your butt up, break that sleepiness seal.  You won't regret it.  Go to the meeting, return those texts.  Don't reveal all your secrets in one blog, leave an air of mystery.
For this time:  Get your butt up, AVON out, love yourself.

Update:  Reading this post, I got the incredible idea about how great it would be if there was a craft supply company like AVON, where crafters sell to crafters. I dunno, just another half-baked idea.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Baby Hats for Baby Heads

I have two infant baby hats, but looking at how fast the babies are growing on Facebook, I'll have to create a larger version.  I'm going to go with the largest version possible, because they will always grow into it and they are stretchy, especially when washed. Here are the finished projects.

Also, to those who were hopeful about the Modge Podge experiment, I apologize.  The materials were way to expensive, I didn't have any desk space and I was distracted with other projects and life matters.  I don't have the money or the time right now.  But I do want to start a new knitting project, something I could work on my free time, that wouldn't be too expensive.  I really have felt that I need to do something else creative in knitting so stay tuned to my next knitting project.

Update:  I'm making this neat grey shawl out of wool.  I needed to rekindle my love for knitting, not just churn out baby hats for babies I never even got to hold.  So making a cool shawl for myself, which I'll probably never use, because winter is over and it took me all winter to make it.  Well, maybe if I have a sleeveless dress.  Looking out for that perfect item to match.  Maybe a little black dress?  A little grey dress?

Update, Jachin still has his hat and wears it.  Not too shabby!
And I made the grey shawl and usually use it on the couch to warm up.