Sunday, October 8, 2017

Baby Hats for Baby Heads

I have two infant baby hats, but looking at how fast the babies are growing on Facebook, I'll have to create a larger version.  I'm going to go with the largest version possible, because they will always grow into it and they are stretchy, especially when washed. Here are the finished projects.

Also, to those who were hopeful about the Modge Podge experiment, I apologize.  The materials were way to expensive, I didn't have any desk space and I was distracted with other projects and life matters.  I don't have the money or the time right now.  But I do want to start a new knitting project, something I could work on my free time, that wouldn't be too expensive.  I really have felt that I need to do something else creative in knitting so stay tuned to my next knitting project.

Update:  I'm making this neat grey shawl out of wool.  I needed to rekindle my love for knitting, not just churn out baby hats for babies I never even got to hold.  So making a cool shawl for myself, which I'll probably never use, because winter is over and it took me all winter to make it.  Well, maybe if I have a sleeveless dress.  Looking out for that perfect item to match.  Maybe a little black dress?  A little grey dress?

Update, Jachin still has his hat and wears it.  Not too shabby!
And I made the grey shawl and usually use it on the couch to warm up.

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