Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Evil Wins

So I'm looking for this tubing, the ones I order from China haven't come yet and I realize I need help. 

The help I'm talking about is from other crafters, experienced and wisened crafters.  So I search for Craft Forums.  I've had pretty good success on online forums for knitting, the Ravelry Community, there's always someone who's already done a project and wants to share their story.  So I see  I peek around on the site, looking to find that connection.  I'm on there and I look through the jewelry posts, specifically since that's what I'm looking for help in.  All this is great and I realize that these people are just like me - craft whores, a name I've come to embrace, since I know it means, I try to craft, but could never be serious.  People who have no clue what they are doing, but buy expensive supplies to let their inner craft shine forth.  It's less a striving for perfection and more a striving to let nature out.  That was the connection that I was looking for. 

So I register.  So I thought.  This captcha.  That captcha.  None of the above captcha.  I guess I was wrong.  The elite people at Craftster must read minds to register for their forum.  I left after 5 tries.  A person gets disappointed, and seeing as the captcha never matches up with the type, I realized. 

I hate captchas.  And my will to get into a burgeoning society of crafters, and ask them about my mysterious plastic tubing for my awesome button rings was thwarted.  Evil wins again.

There has been an Evil Society of Writers.  I have heard tell of them.  So perhaps there should be an Evil Society of Crafters.  How can crafting be evil?  You haven't met the crafters! I think it's more advanced craft whoring.

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